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上海What are the hazards of the three states? Light burned powder

2023-03-01 09:03:15

The product includes three types of magnesium oxide: undercooked products, overcooked products, and active magnesium oxide. The following editor will introduce the three states of magnesium oxide. Which one is better, Pisha

1. The so-called undercooked products are some magnesium carbonate that do not form magnesium oxide. If there are too many undercooked products, the burning vector will be high. The setting speed of magnesite products made from lightly burned magnesium powder is particularly fast, which can lead to cracking and deformation of magnesite products. 2. "Over burned products are magnesium oxide that has been burned too much. If there are too many over burned products, it is not easy to solidify when forming magnesium oxychloride cement with magnesium chloride, which is commonly referred to as non reflection and non coagulation.". 3. The latter is the industry where active magnesium oxide is used as a building material. The main requirement is the content of active magnesium oxide. If the content of active magnesium oxide is insufficient, it cannot fully reflect the chloride ions in magnesium chloride. After molding, magnesite products will experience alkali and halogen reactions.

First of all, magnesium oxide itself is non-toxic and odorless, but because it belongs to dust, frontline workers should pay attention to dust prevention during long-term work to avoid "lung aspiration disease.". And magnesium oxide powder and talc powder are commonly used lubricants for athletes, which are harmless to the human body. Magnesium oxide can also be used as an antacid, laxative, and neutralize gastric acid. The effect of neutralizing gastric acid is fast, strong, and lasting, and does not produce carbon dioxide, protecting the ulcer surface.

In summary, we know that magnesium oxide is not harmful to the body, so everyone can safely use it.

1. In the inventory of magnesium oxide, take 100 grams of magnesium oxide samples from different corners and locations (not less than 3 locations), and mix them evenly.

2. Accurately weigh 100g of magnesium oxide powder from the mixed powder and place it in a constant weight dry beaker. Add 400g of purified water to completely moisten it.

3. Place the cup in a properly adjusted temperature (110 ℃) drying oven and bake for more than 2 hours, then adjust the oven to 150 ℃ to dry the sample to constant weight. Activity calculation method: the activity content of magnesium oxide=[(W-100)/45] X 100%, where 100 is the weight of the sample before hydration; W is the weight of the sample after hydration; 45 is the conversion factor. Note: To obtain a more accurate value, you can take three parts of 100g magnesium oxide for assay, add the obtained active content value, and then divide by 3,

Precautions: ① During heating, avoid slurry splashing out of the beaker; ② The drying time should be as long as possible to ensure complete evaporation of water.


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